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Our Partners - Identitywa - Registered NDIS Provider

Our Partners

With the support of our partners, Identitywa is building a community in which people with disability and their families lead fulfilled lives.



Befriend is a social enterprise sparking inclusive, connected communities. We work in partnership with government, community organisations and local residents to nurture communities where all people belong.

Catholic Social Services Western Australia

Catholic Social Services Western Australia (CSSWA) is mandated to assist the Bishop of Western Australia in fulfilling their responsibilities in furthering the Mission of the Church in accordance with the beliefs, values, traditions and social teaching of the Catholic Church.

Catholic Super

Catholic Super  With a history of strong long-term performance, Catholic Super has protected and grown their members’ retirement money since 1971. As a profit-to-members fund, super is the heart of what they do, but they offer even more to members through banking, financial planning, insurance, and pensions.

Centacare Employment and Training WA

Centacare Employment and Training WA  is a not-for-profit, registered training organisation, (RTO), established in 1976. We are an agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, however, our services are available to any member of the community without prejudice or discrimination

Department of Communities

The Department of Communities is the State Government agency responsible for advancing opportunities, community participation and quality of life for people with disability. The Department provides a range of direct services and also funds non-government agencies to provide supports to people with disability, their families and carers. Identitywa appreciates the support the Department provides to the children and adults who use our services.


Kalparrin is WA’s largest community of families caring for children with disability and additional needs.  Based at the new Perth Children’s Hospital, Kalparrin uses a powerful peer support model to help parents navigate through the complexities of establishing the right supports for their children and themselves.

La Trobe University

Identitywa is participating in a research study: Embedding Active Support & Practice Leadership. The overarching aim of the study is to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disability.


Lifelink was established by the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth to assist Church-based social service agencies in reaching out to West Australian’s in need. Identitywa gratefully receives ongoing financial and promotional support from Lifelink.


Lotterywest enhances the well-being of West Australians through the proceeds of its Lottery games. The biggest winners are State health services, sporting organisations, arts and cultural groups and thousands of charities and community groups. Through the generosity of Lotterywest, Identitywa has been able to make improvements to the quality of its service delivery.

National Disability Insurance Agency

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) implements the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS is designed to enhance the quality of life and increase economic and social participation for people with disability and will mean peace of mind for every Australian, for anyone who has, or might acquire, a disability.  Identitywa appreciates the support the Department provides to the children and adults who use our services.

National Disability Services

National Disability Services (NDS) is the peak Australian body for non-government disability services. As a Member of NDS, Identitywa benefits from the support NDS provides through the provision of information, representation and policy advice.

Personal Advocacy Service

Therapy Focus provides therapy and support services to WA children and young people. Since incorporation as a not-for-profit in 1998, Therapy Focus has become WA’s largest non-Government disability therapy provider, working closely with families, schools, carers and the community to improve quality of life for thousands of children with a disability or learning disadvantage. Through therapy, community engagement and education and a sound infrastructure supporting staff, Therapy Focus is dedicated to helping children grow.

Telethon Trust

The Channel 7 Telethon Trust is dedicated to raising funds to support the medical and social welfare of West Australian children and young people and to fund research into children’s diseases. Telethon’s generosity has assisted Identitywa in improving its Children’s Respite facilities.

Western Australia’s Individualised Services

Western Australia’s Individualised Services (WAIS) is committed to influencing and developing innovative, individualised, self-directed supports and services. As a Member of WAIS, Identitywa is part of a ‘community of practice’ which WAIS is building through strategic partnerships.

Western Australian Council of Social Services

The Western Australian Council of Social Services (WACOSS) is the peak body for the social service sector in WA, and is committed to creating a socially just and sustainable society for all West Australians. As a member, Identitywa benefits from WACOSS’s efforts to develop and strengthen the non-government community services sector’s capacity to assist all Western Australians.

Zorzi Builders

Zorzi Builders was established in 1956, and has evolved to be regarded as one of Australia’s most awarded and finest building companies.

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