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Safeguarding Commitment - Identitywa - Registered NDIS Provider

Safeguarding Commitment

Safeguarding refers to the broad range of activities organisations must take to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults and prevent harm.

As a Registered NDIS Provider and affiliate of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, Identitywa has legal, moral and Mission-driven responsibilities around screening of workers as well as reporting safeguarding concerns.

All Identitywa workers, including Board Members, are required to have a current NDIS Worker Screening Check as well as Working With Children Check and Department of Child Protection Record Check Screening (for child-related roles). Currency of these checks are audited regularly to ensure compliance.

Identitywa is a mandatory reporter of abuse and neglect (including allegations of) of children and vulnerable adult participants for the following agencies:

  • NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Commission
  • Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Safeguarding Program
  • WA Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse
  • Department of Communities, Child Protection and Family Support Division
  • Ombudsman WA Reportable Conduct Scheme.

OUR Safeguarding Commitment  

Identitywa acknowledges its responsibility to uphold and promote the safety and well-being of our participants, and to respect and listen to the opinions of participants in our care. We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for participants in our care, with zero tolerance for neglect or abuse.

Safeguarding Commitment Statement 

Identitywa acknowledges its responsibility to uphold and promote the safety and well-being of children and young people, and to respect and listen to the opinions of the children and young people in our care. Click here to find out more.



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