Participants who have Support Coordination funded in their NDIS plan, can engage an Identitywa Support Coordinator to help them and their family understand the NDIS, connect with a range of disability service providers and maximise their opportunities. More information on our support coordination here.
Ben Cottam
Qualifications: Bachelor of Social Work, Curtin University
Expertise/interests: I began my Social Work degree with the desire to work alongside people to achieve positive outcomes in their lives and communities. I am incredibly fortunate to have been able to join Identitywa, an organisation I care about, with whom I share core values, and who like me, want to put people first. I began my career with Identitywa as a Planning Officer, building a solid foundation of NDIS understanding. I am now applying my holistic Social Work education as NDIS Support Coordinator, and have found that this role is a great fit for me. I am looking forward to continually developing this role and continuing to achieve positive outcomes with the individuals and families I work with.
Current role: Support Coordinator within the Identitywa Allied Health Services team.
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Jane Lefroy
Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts: Psychology, Murdoch University.
Expertise/Interests: I have had a 30 year career working in the disability sector in WA. Commencing with direct support work, moving to leadership and management roles within supported independent living, short-term accommodation and community support services. Additional roles and experience include service design, program development and transition of Identitywa’s accommodation, community and support coordination services into the national NDIS.
Current role: Senior Support Coordinator within the Identitywa Allied Health Services team.
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